Kurskatalog forskarutbildning - VT24

  • Ansökan kan ske mellan 2023-10-16 och 2023-11-15
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Titel Exploring human movement
Kursnummer 3123
Program Vårdvetenskap (PUF-V)
Språk Engelska
Antal högskolepoäng 3.0
Datum 2023-01-23 -- 2023-02-03
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle
Särskild behörighet
Kursens syfte The purpose of the course is that the participants gain the theoretical knowledge and practical experience needed to use common computerized methods for the study of human movement.
Kursens lärandemål At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
* formulate clear research questions in the field of movement science and be able to set up adequate experiments for them.
* in groups, conduct a scientific experiment in the movement laboratory.
* analyse kinematic, kinetic and EMG data.
* clearly present the results in oral and written form (including graphs).
* evaluate their results by comparing them with the litterature.
Kursens innehåll * Working in the lab with computerised movement analysis systems:
- Kalibrering, datainsamling och analys
- Signal processing of movement trajectories from reflecting markers, of Electromyography (EMG) and force plate data.
* Biomechanics
* Motor control
* Muscle physiology
* Training in experimental skills
* Training in presentation skills
Arbetsformer This course has three parts. The first part is a theoretical part, in which the students learn the basics of movement science by means of lectures, group work litterature studies and individual work (3 days). The second part is laboratory work in which the students learn a) the principals of computerised movement analysis systems with calibration, marker placement, EMG, and forceplate measurements; b) learn to formulate a movement scientific research question (PM); and c) learn to accomplish an laboratory experiment - group work (5 days). The last part is the presentation part, in which the students present their laboratory results in both a written rapport and in zig-zaw group seminars (2 days).
Obligatoriska moment This course has three compulsory parts:
1. Oral presentation of the movement scientific research question (PM-presentation).
2. Active participation in the laboratory experiment.
3. Active participation in the zig-zaw group seminars.
Absence at these compulsory parts, the students have to compensate this with:
1. A written presentation of the movement scientific research question (PM).
2. Participate in an other laboratory experiment.
3. A written summary of a number of laboratory reports, including reflecting comments.
Examination The teachers give their judgement on the oral presentations and the written laboratory report. Moreover, student peer assessment on the oral presentations.
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel * Enoka, R., 2015. Neuromechanics of Human Movement, 5th ed. Human kinetics, Champaign, Illinois, USA.
* A number of scientific peer-reviewed articles will be handed out at the course start.
Antal studenter 8 - 20
Urval av studenter Selection will be based on 1) the relevance of the course syllabus for the applicant's doctoral project (according to written motivation), 2) start date of doctoral studies (priority given to earlier start date)
Övrig information This course is an on-site course, requiring physical attendance during the demonstrations and practical work. However, participating in lectures and seminars can be digital. During the first day, lectures will be given at Alfred Nobels Allé 23. Thereafter we will have demonstrations about different ways of studying human movement in Solna: on Tuesday at uMove (Gävlegatan 55) and on Wednesday at the movement laboratory (ALB) (Karolinska vägen 37A). On Thursday or Friday, students can use one of the presented methods to answer a movement scientific question in the area of the doctoral student's research field. The student will be offered 1-1.5 hours of personal assistance in the collecting of movement data. Students can also work with their own movement data (if available). In the next week, the students process and analyze the data and write a short report that each student presents in a seminar (Wednesday afternoon). Based on the comments from the course leader and the student's peers, the student revises the report (deadline Friday) and this will be examined by the course leader.
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Kursansvarig Wim Grooten
Institutionen för neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle
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