Kurskatalog forskarutbildning - VT24

  • Ansökan kan ske mellan 2023-10-16 och 2023-11-15
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Titel Interview Techniques in Health and Care Research
Kursnummer 2520
Program Vårdvetenskap (PUF-V)
Språk Engelska
Antal högskolepoäng 4.0
Datum 2022-03-28 -- 2022-04-24
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap
Särskild behörighet
Kursens syfte The course aims to provide course participants with a broad understanding for a research interview; i.e. planning and conducting a research interview within a research program. In addition the participants will be enabled to gain an increased understanding and a professional attitude of the researcher as an instrument for data collection which can be applied and potentially enhance the quality of data in future research interviews.
Kursens lärandemål After the course the student is expected to be able to
(a) Identify and understand the content of a research interview.
(b) Demonstrate and master necessary interview tools in order to,
(c) Independently, analyze and adapt this knowledge and practical skills in order to compose a research interview; i.e. planning, designing, carrying out and critically evaluating the interview.
(d) Communicate and give feedback to other students' research interviews

Kursens innehåll a. different perspectives and knowledge for conducting interviews
b. the role of empathy in interview communication
c. the researcher´s role as an instrument in data collection
d. intersubjectivity, biases and ethical considerations of research interviewing
e. how to plan an interview guide
f. how to formulate questions
g. how to conduct an interview with respect for culture and vulnerable groups

Arbetsformer The course will be offered part-time, usually full Days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1-2 days weekly including lectures, video demonstrations covering various interviews and interview techniques, interview technique training seminars in small groups, supervision seminars (interview guides) with literature discussions and self-monitored studies and practice.
Since interview training is a process - which requires testing in vivo, improvements, reflection between training - the course covers approximately a 5-week period.

Obligatoriska moment The education will be compulsory scheduled all through the course. If the student is unable to be present he/she has to consult the course leader/examiner for adequate opportunities to recover missed hours (usually in the form of written assignments, except for practical training and examination with the video-taped interviews).
Examination Examination will consist of an interview guide and of an individually taped documentation of an interview with a research subject in the own research field presented in the course group. In addition the course participant will critically analyze a fello student's video-taped interview. The presentation will furthermore be within a theoretical frame of reference including the course literature, discussing interviews, interview techniques, potential biases challenging the quality of the interview responses. The reason behind choosing this kind of examination is that it has been proven to give earlier interview student-groups valuable learning experiences which immediately can be applied in the respective research area.
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel Note: Mandatory course literature:
1. Bäärnhielm, S., Edlund, A-S., Ioannou, M., & Dahlin, M. (2014). Approaching the vulnerability of refugees: Evaluation of cross-cultural psychiatric training of staff in mental health care and refugee reception in Sweden. BioMed Central Medical Education, 14 (207), 1-10 (10pp.).
2. Chunnu-Brayda, W., & Boyce T. D. (2014). So you really want to interview me?: Navigating ""sensitive"" qualitative research interviewing. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13, 318-334. (17pp.)
3. Cutcliffe, J. R., & McKenna, H. P. (2002). When do we know what we know? Considering the truth of research findings and the craft of qualitative research. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 39, 611-618. (8pp.)
4. Dahlin Ivanoff, S., & Hultberg, J. (2006). Understanding the multiple realities of everyday life: Basic assumptions in focus-group methodology. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 13, 125-132. (8pp.)
5. Hand, H. (2003). The mentor´s tale: a reflexive account of semi-structured interviews. Nurse Research, 10, 15-27. (13pp.)
6. Kitzinger, J. (1994). The methodology of focus groups: the importance of interaction between research and participants. Sociology of Health and Illness, 16, 103-121 (19pp.)
7. Kvale, S., & Brinkmann, S. (2008). (2nd. Ed.). InterViews. Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousands Oaks, CAL: Sage. (354pp.)
8. Montesinos, A. H., Aichberger, M. C., Temur-Erman, S., Bromand, Z., Heinz, A., & Schouler-Ocak, M. (2019). Explanatory models of suicidality among women of Turkish descent in Germany: A focus group study. Transcultural Psychiatry, 56 (1), 48-75 (26pp.).
9. Owen, S. (2001). The practical, methodological and ethical dilemmas of conducting focus groups with vulnerable clients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36, 652-658. (7pp.)
10. Price, B. (2002). Laddered questions and qualitative data research interviews. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37, 273-281. (9pp.)

Antal studenter 8 - 28
Urval av studenter Selection will be based on 1) the relevance of the course syllabus for the applicant's doctoral project (according to written motivation), 2) start date of doctoral studies (priority given to earlier start date)
Övrig information
Ytterligare kursledare
Senaste kursvärdering Kursvärderingsrapport
Kursansvarig David Forsström
Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap

Kontaktpersoner Tobias Lundgren
Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap


David Forsström
Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap
