Kurskatalog forskarutbildning - VT24

  • Ansökan kan ske mellan 2023-10-16 och 2023-11-15
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Titel Redox Regulation, Oxidative Stress and Selenoproteins
Kursnummer 2214
Program Cellbiologi och genetik
Språk Engelska
Antal högskolepoäng 3.0
Datum 2019-06-10 -- 2019-06-14
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och biofysik
Särskild behörighet
Kursens syfte The purpose of the course is to give doctoral students and post docs a good understanding of redox biology and redox biochemistry in living cells and organisms. The course is also designed to give the participants experience in scientific networking, and to increase generic skills in understanding, presenting and discussing frontline research topics.
Kursens lärandemål After the course, each student should have acquired the following knowledge:

- Good knowledge of structure-function relationships for the major low molecular-weight antioxidant compounds found in cells (GSH, Ascorbate, tocopherol)
- Good knowledge of the major antioxidant and redox regulatory systems and redox sensitive signaling pathways (glutathione-dependent systems, thioredoxin systems, Nrf2/Keap1, Yap1, peroxiredoxins, methionine sulfoxide reductases, peroxidases, catalases, superoxide dismutase, NADPHoxidase, oxidative burst, PTP regulation, cyt c, ASK-1)
- Good knowledge of selenoprotein synthesis and selenoprotein function

After the course, each student should also have the skill to present and discuss a redox-regulated research project at a level generally expected for presentations held at international cutting-edge conferences in the subject.
Kursens innehåll The course is planned as a joint training encompassing an international exchange graduate course, with students and lecturer's primarily recruited from Karolinska Institutet together with Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and the Redox Biology Center of the University of Nebraska in Lincoln (UNL), Nebraska, which are two NIH COBRE (Center of Biological Research Excellence) initatives focused on research in redox biology. The course is planned to be annually held and will have the following major components:

- Students from MUSC, UNL and Karolinska Institutet
- Lecturers from MUSC, Karolinska Institutet and UNL

Planned lectures will contain subjects such as the following examples:

- ""Glutathione S-transferases in redox regulation and glutathione dependent catalysis""
- ""Nitric oxide (NO) signaling in relation to redox state""
- ""Calcium signaling in oxidative stress and in relation to apoptosis""
- ""Glutaredoxin and thioredoxin systems""
- ""The concepts and effects of redox cycling and selenoprotein reactivity""
- ""Selenoproteomes and dedicated Cys- and/or Sec-dependent redox systems""
- ""Using protein crystallography to probe the function of redox active enzymes""
- ""Redox activities of proline in a cellular context""
- ""The effects of metals on metabolism and oxidative stress in human disease""
- ""With the sight on redox: glutaredoxin and thioredoxin systems in the ocular lens and their relation to cataract""
- ""Redox control of ion channels""
- ""How oxygen can be sensed in the carotid body""
- ""Mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species in relation to human disease""
Arbetsformer The course it is built upon a pedagogic framework of discussions between graduate students in redox biology with leading experts in the field, combined with cutting-edge lectures, training in oral presentation, career counceling sessions and a written exam for control of detailed basic knowledge in redox biology. It is the firm belief of the course organizers that this pedagogic framework should well support the students to obtain the learning objectives of the course. It should furthermore help the students to prepare for their next level of a career beyond the doctoral examination.

The type of teaching will be:

- Morning sessions with lectures in basic concepts as well as cutting-edge front-line research findings in the field
- Afternoon sessions with student presentations followed by discussions between lecturers and students
- Career discussions and future perspectives in the field of redox biology
Obligatoriska moment Absence from any part of the course (lectures, student presentations, career discussions, exam and award ceremony) is generally not accepted but could in special cases be compensated by an individually tailored additional discussion and a special written examination organized by the course committee.
Examination The student skills are examined as follows:

- Evaluation of the degree of participation in student-lecturer discussions and the level of initiated comments and questions during those discussions (grade pass/not pass)
- Evaluation of the presentation of the student's own project (grade pass/not pass)
- Results at written examination (at least 60% right answers for the grade of pass)

Attendence during compulsory parts of the course as well as the grade of ""Pass"" in all three parts of the examination must be fulfilled for a final grade of ""Pass"".
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel Textbook: ""Redox Biochemistry"", Banerjee, R. (Ed.), Wiley-Interscience
Additional literature: Course program, with abstracts submitted in advance by attending students and lecturers
Antal studenter 25 - 30
Urval av studenter Selection will be based on 1) the relevance of the course syllabus for the applicant's doctoral project (according to written motivation), 2) date for registration as a doctoral student (priority given to earlier registration date)
Övrig information Note: At this occasion the course will be held at the Redox Biology Center (RBC) in Lincoln, NE, USA, thus necessitating travel to the course during the weekend of June 8-9 and return to Sweden during the weekend of June 15-16. Travel support will be given to the home institution with a flat rate of SEK 8.000 per doctoral student joining from Karolinska Institutet. The given number of students in this international course entails all students from all sites. From Karolinska Institutet a maximum number of eight (8) students can be accepted to the course.
Ytterligare kursledare Host for the course at RBC is Prof. Donald Becker.
Senaste kursvärdering Kursvärderingsrapport
Kursansvarig Elias Arnér
Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och biofysik
Kontaktpersoner Elias Arnér
Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och biofysik