Kurskatalog forskarutbildning - VT24

  • Ansökan kan ske mellan 2023-10-16 och 2023-11-15
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Titel Introduction to teaching
Kursnummer 3031
Program 0-Inte del av forskarutbildningsprogram
Språk Engelska
Antal högskolepoäng 1.5
Noteringar Kursen uppfyller kraven för en allmänvetenskaplig kurs.

Datum 2018-09-25 -- 2018-10-25
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för lärande, informatik, management och etik
Särskild behörighet
Kursens syfte The purpose of this course is to introduce a variety of teaching and learning methods, and to stimulate a reflective approach to teaching in order to enhance students' meaningful learning and active involvement.
Kursens lärandemål At the end of the course we expect you to:
- Be able to explain general aspects of how to facilitate student learning in different teaching situations
- Be able to reflect upon own teaching experiences and use educational concepts in a discussion about teaching and learning
Kursens innehåll During the course we will discuss and elaborate on practical issues regarding teaching and learning in laboratory, seminars and lectures. We will discuss and work with ways to challenge students and what to do to facilitate their learning. Course participants will observe (auscultate) teaching and reflect upon their experiences. We will touch upon the role of the teacher and KI teaching policies as well as strategies for coping with stress.
Arbetsformer The course is designed to promote active learning and a variety of teaching and learning strategies will be used during the course. Examples are lectures, small group discussion, peer teaching, group work, literature studies, auscultation of teaching and reflection in groups.
Obligatoriska moment The assessment seminar the last day of the course is mandatory. If absent, the student need to present his/her knowledge at a separate occasion.
Examination To satisfactorily complete this course you must demonstrate that you have reached the learning outcomes by orally presenting your reflections of literature studies and auscultation of teaching.
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel Biggs, John & Tang, Catherine. (2011) Teaching according to how students learn, Chapter 2 in Biggs & Tang Teaching for Quality Learning at University, Fourth Edition, Open University Press.

Dahlgren, L O et al (2006) To be and to have a critical friend in medical teaching. Medical Education 40: 72-78.

Steiner, Y & Snell, L (1999) Interactive lecturing: strategies for increasing participation in large group presentation. Medical Teacher, 21(1):37-42.

Recommended literature

Angelo, T. & Cross, P. (1993) Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, Second Edition, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers

Brookfield, S D & Preskill, S (1999) Keeping discussion going through creative grouping. In: Brookfield, S D & Preskill, S. Discussion as a Way of Teaching - Tools and Techniques for University Teachers. The Society for Research into Higher Education: Open University Press. London, p.81-98.

Harden, R M, Crosby, J. R. (2000) AMEE Guide no. 20: The good teacher is more than a lecturer: The twelve roles of the teacher. Medical Teacher 22:334-347.

Hedin, A (2006) Vad främjar lärande, Kapitel 10 i Lärande på hög nivå. Universitetstryckeriet, Ekonomikum, Uppsala.

Fyrenius, A. et al (2005) Lectures in problem-based learning: Why, when and how? An example of interactive lecturing that stimulates meaningful learning, Medical Teacher, 27, 61-65.

McKeachie, W J (1986) Problem situations and problem students (There's almost always at least one!), In: McKeachie, W J, Teaching Tips: A Guidebook for the beginning college teacher. Lexington, MA: D.C. pp. 251-261.

Modell, H I et al (2004) Enhancing active learning in the student laboratory, Advances in Physiology Education, 28:107-11.

Weurlander, M et al (2009) Meaningful learning: students' perceptions of a new form of case seminar in pathology, Medical Teacher, 31 (6):e248-e253.
Antal studenter 15 - 30
Urval av studenter Priority will be given to doctoral students who have just started or soon will be involved in teaching and that have no teacher training.
Övrig information The course is based on theories of experiential learning, a reflective approach and learning through active participation and collaboration. In order to learn as much as possible from the course it is important to be present at scheduled meetings and, where appropriate, be prepared for them. The course is scheduled 25 September, 4 October and 25 October. In addition, time for reading and auscultation must be planned by the course participants. The course is given in English. The course is equal with the previous course number 2686 - Introduction to teaching at KI.
Ytterligare kursledare
Senaste kursvärdering Kursvärderingsrapport
Kursansvarig Jayne Alfredsson
Institutionen för lärande, informatik, management och etik

Kontaktpersoner Jayne Alfredsson
Institutionen för lärande, informatik, management och etik
