Kurskatalog forskarutbildning - VT24

  • Ansökan kan ske mellan 2023-10-16 och 2023-11-15
Application closed
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Titel Present your research!
Kursnummer 2787
Program 0-Inte del av forskarutbildningsprogram
Språk Engelska
Antal högskolepoäng 1.5
Noteringar Kursen uppfyller kraven för en allmänvetenskaplig kurs.

Datum 2018-03-19 -- 2018-03-23
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa
Särskild behörighet None
Kursens syfte The purpose of the course is to enable doctoral students to obtain knowledge and practical experience in presenting own research orally; adapted to different presentation formats, target groups, supporting media and situations, as well as to reflect on the development of own presentation skills.
Kursens lärandemål After attending the course, the doctoral student should:

1. Be able to design an oral presentation in an asequate way.
2. Be able to design and use supportive media for a successful presentation.
3. Know the basics of presentation techniques and rethoric.
4. Have gained knowledge on how to interact with the audience.
Kursens innehåll The scope of the course is to design and give oral presentations of your research results in different contexts.

The main content of the course:

1. DESIGN AND DISPOSITION OF AN ORAL PRESENTATION (e.g. poster presentation, short presentation of research results):
a. Goals and aims
b. Structure
c. Simplifications to enhance understanding
d. Choice of pictures
e. Language
f. Time management

a. Body language and posture
b. Language and pace
c. How to prepare yourself for a presentation
d. How to remember what you want to present
e. Building confidence (be less nervous) to present
f. What to avoid doing during a presentation
g. How to deal with questions from the audience

a. Power Point slides including introduction to power point
b. Scientific poster
c. Flipchart and other supporting media

a. Catching the audience's attention
b. How to address the audience
c. Keeping the audience's attention for a longer period of time
d. Communicating with the audience
e. How to make the audience trust you
f. Preparing the presentation with different audiences in mind
g. Different learning styles which influences the audience's attention
h. How to impress your audience
i. Attention curve of the audience
j. How to ease the learning of the audience

a. Presenting in front of an audience:
i. Poster presentation
ii. Presentation of student's choice
iii. Elevator Pitch
iv. Power point presentation
v. Video recording of presentation with feedback

b. Presentation exercises in pairs or small groups
c. Presenting to different audiences
d. Body language
e. Language and pace
f. How to use your audience as an asset
g. How to interact with your audience
h. How to remember your presentation
i. Give and receive feedback on presentations
j. Deal with nervousness and stay focused on your presentation
Arbetsformer Lectures, written assignments, workshops, coaching, filming, group work, and practical exercises in groups and with a learning peer.
Obligatoriska moment Three complete presentations (designed and presented to the class):
a. Poster presentation including a scientific poster
b. Power Point presentation
c. Elevator Pitch
d. Giving feed back on the other students' presentations
e. Reflecting on own learning and development during the course
Examination Formative assessment during active participation in all parts of the course
Summative assessment of
a. Poster presentation including scientific poster,
b. Power Point presentation
c. Elevator pitch
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel Handouts from lectures.
Antal studenter 16 - 22
Urval av studenter Selection will be based on 1) the relevance of the course syllabus for the applicant's doctoral project (according to written motivation), 2) date for registration as a doctoral student (priority given to earlier registration date)
Övrig information Welcome to apply for the doctoral course Present your research! The course will be given in central Stockholm, in Gamla Brogatan (close to Hötorget). Please address all questions to: anna.wachtmeister@ki.se or phone: 0707890607
Ytterligare kursledare
Senaste kursvärdering Kursvärderingsrapport
Kursansvarig Kristina Gemzell Danielsson
Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa
Kontaktpersoner Anna Hildenbrand Michelman
Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa
070-789 06 07