Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser

  • Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser


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Svensk benämning Global utrotning av malaria
Engelsk benämning Global malaria eradication
Kursnummer 3124
Antal högskolepoäng 1.5
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi
Särskild behörighet
Betygsskala Godkänd/Icke godkänd
Fastställd av The Board of Doctoral Education
Datum för fastställande 2018-08-16
Kursens syfte Malaria is a disease of poverty. Despite the scale-up of control tools, malaria prevalence remains high in, among others, some Tropical African areas. The new UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demands to stop malaria by 2030. How is it possible? What are major obstacles? When can it be achieved? This course aims to contribute the doctoral students's understanding of this major challenge of human beings in the 20th Century, Global Malaria Eradication.
Kursens lärandemål After the course the students have to be able to show (1) up­-to-­date knowledge about the past and present efforts of human beings to eliminate malaria, (2) in-depth knowledge how currently observed genetic properties of parasite, mosquito and human have been diverse in various environments and how they are affecting malaria transmission, infection and disease, (3) skills to analyze their associations, and (4) altitude to think about in their research subjects what is a better elimination strategy in this area-specific context.
Kursens innehåll The course consists of the following topics:
1. Historical thoughts about the efforts of human beings to eliminate malaria
2. Area-specific diversities of the biological agents in malaria transmission:
a) human (immunity/ drug metabolism),
b) parasite (antigenicity/ drug resistance) &
c) vector (refractoriness/ insecticide resistance)
with neutral markers,
3. Evolutionary and ecological processes to promote diversities:
a) historical human settlement patterns,
b) natural environments; climate, island size, fauna and flora,
c) socio-cultural environments; inter- and intra-island human movements, language, and community, and
d) modernization and development; agriculture, local health system, malaria chemotherapy, use of bed nets, and poverty.
e) co-evolutionary processes of biological agents through extension of transmission dynamics & population genetics;
4. Implications of biodiversities on immunities and interventions against malaria infection and disease, toward improved malaria elimination strategies in relation to local characteristics.
Arbetsformer Lectures, seminars and small group works.
Obligatoriska moment
Examination Students are asked to write a short study proposal on Global Malaria Eradication, in which all 4 elements of the above-mentioned ILOs should be addressed. Then it is to be reviewed by a peer student. Assessment will be based on both the original proposal and the review report.
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel References:
1. Thompson RCA (ed.). Molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases. London: Arnold; 2000.
2. Warrell DA, Gilles HM (eds.). Essential Malariology. London: Arnold; 2002.
3. Cavalli-Sforza LL. Genes, Peoples, and Languages. Berkeley: University of California Press; 2000.
4. Hartl DL, Clark AG. Principles of population genetics, fourth edition. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates; 2007.
5. Sen A. Development as freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1999.
6. Birn A-E, Pillay Y, Holtz TH. Textbook of International Health: Global Health in a Dynamic World, third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2009.
7. King RC, Stansfield WD. A dictionary of genetics, fifth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1997.
8. Hopkins DR. Disease eradication. N Engl J Med 2013;368:54-63
9. Kaneko A, Taleo G, Kalkoa M, Yamar S, Kobayakawa T, Björkman A. Malaria eradication on islands. Lancet. 2000 Nov 4;356(9241):1560-4.
10. UCSF-Global Health Group. Review of mass drug administration and primaquine use. Prepared for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, January 2014.
Kursansvarig Akira Kaneko
Institutionen för mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi

Nobelsv 16
Kontaktpersoner Akira Kaneko
Institutionen för mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi

Nobelsv 16