Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Nanomaterial och framställning av nanotekniska strukturer mot infektioner och antibiotikaresistens
English title Nanoscale materials and device engineering against infections and antimicrobial resistance
Course number 3079
Credits 1.5
Responsible KI department Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
Specific entry requirements
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Board of Doctoral Education
Established 2018-03-16
Purpose of the course The purpose of this course is to expose students to the interdisciplinary research of nanotechnology and its great potential in medicine and specifically against infections and antimicrobial resistance. Throughout the course, the basic principles and historical development of bionanotechnology (materials and devices) will be described and specific examples from current state-of-the-art research will be presented aiming to motivate students to employ such diagnostic and therapeutic nano-tools in their own infection biology research. Furthermore, the course aims to further train students in important academic skills such as effective communication by performing oral presentations and contributing to constructive criticism.
Intended learning outcomes After the completed course, the students will be able to:
-Describe on a professional level the advantages and challenges of nanoscale materials in medicine
-Be up to date with current developments in nanomedicine against infections
-Understand the various in vitro and in vivo nano-based diagnostic tools
-Understand the different categories of smart nanostructured multifunctional materials and devices and their employment in nanomedicine.
-Be able to suggest the employment of novel diagnostic and therapeutic nano-tools in their own research
-Perform extensive literature research using relevant databases (Web of Science, PubMed)
-Practice important academic skills such as effective communication and presentation of research
Contents of the course The course will cover the basic principles of nanomedicine as a field starting from the first nano-agent used in the 70's (liposomes) and expanding till today with sophisticated nano-diagnostic agents as well as multi-functional smart nano-drugs. Specific emphasis will be placed in the current state-of-the-art examples of how nanoscale materials may be utilised against infections and antimicrobial resistance. Additionally, we will place special attention to potential adverse toxicological outcomes as well as the regulatory framework surrounding nanomedicine.
Teaching and learning activities The course will consist of lectures on each of the intended learning outcomes, including on how to perform comprehensive literature research and tips on effective communication of research, both as a report as well as oral presentation. At least one internationally-recognized expert will give a guest lecture covering one of the above topics. Visits to nanomaterial-relevant laboratories in KI, as well as microbiology research will be arranged and conducted. Each student will choose a mini-project that will be a literature research project of a topic relevant to nanomedicine and infections. General lectures and demonstrations of how to perform extensive literature research in databases such as Web of Science and how to compile a final report and scientific presentation are included. At the end of the course, each student will give an oral presentation of the mini-project with peer based feedback.
Compulsory elements Attendance at the lectures and oral presentations are compulsory. Absence from these can be compensated by extra assignment(s), however depending on the number of missed compulsory teaching activities, the possibility of compensating these will decided in agreement with the course master.
Examination The examination will consist of two parts: 1. The written assignment of the chosen mini-project (literature research of a nanomedicine-infection topic), and 2. The oral presentation of the mini-project with both peer-based and course master feedback.
Literature and other teaching material Recommended scientific literature, reviews and research papers in the field of nanomaterial and device engineering for medicine (general as well as specific to infections) will be sent out to all registered participants.
Course responsible Georgios Sotiriou
Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology

Contact person