Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Fördjupningkurs Medicinsk pedagogisk forskning
English title Medical Education Research - theoretical basis and methodologies
Course number 2483
Credits 4.5
Responsible KI department Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
Specific entry requirements Introduction in Medical Education Research eller motsvarande
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Board of Doctoral Education
Established 2013-09-06
Purpose of the course
Intended learning outcomes After the course the student is expected to be able to
1. Analyze and critique methodologies and findings within their own field of medical education research.
2. Apply and argue about relevance and meaning of theoretical knowledge/models underpinning research within their own field of medical education research.
3. Compare and express similarities and differences of research approaches and theoretical underpinnings related to different fields within Medical Education Research.
Contents of the course The course content include studies of:
* Theories underpinning methodologies used within the medical education field.
* Explanatory theoretical bases relevant for the participants' own research are identified and studied in depth.
Teaching and learning activities The course design is based on the students active participation in his/her own learning process. Self directed learning activities will be stimulated and processed by assignments, seminars and group work. Discussions and feedback on Pingpong will be a main part of the course.
Compulsory elements Assignments, seminars and group activities. Absence from seminars and group activities can be compensated by self studies and written statements.
Examination The assessment consists of two main parts:
* A reflective paper in which the participant present and reason about research questions related to methodologies and explanatory theoretical bases within their own field of medical education research. The reasoning and reflection is expected to relate to the learning outcomes.
* Written self and peer assessment related to the examination reflective paper.
The assessment criteria (correspondence, coherence, capacity and critical appraisal) must be fullfilled to pass the course.
Literature and other teaching material Swanwick, T. ed, (2013) 2nd ed. Understanding medical education ¿ evidence, theory and practice. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell
Participants will make their own choices of literature, together with the course director, according to own field of studies (a minimum of three articles will be read, analysed and discussed)

Reference literature:
Cohen. L., Manion. L.; Morrison. K. (2007) Research methods in education 6. ed. : London : Routledge
Creswell. J.W. (2007) Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches 2. ed. : London : SAGE
Course responsible Charlotte Silén
Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics

Contact person Margareta Krook-Brandt
Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics

Elisabet Lindgren
Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
08-524 836 38