Course catalogue doctoral education - VT24

  • Application can be done between 2023-10-16 and 2023-11-15

Courses for department : The institute of Environmental Medicine

Course number / language Title Date
2959 / English Fundamentals of statistical modeling 2024-05-13 -- 2024-05-17
3042 / English Biostatistics I: Introduction for Epidemiologists * 2024-04-10 -- 2024-04-30
3046 / English Causal Inference: emulating a Target Trial to Assess Comparative Effectiveness 2024-04-02 -- 2024-04-05
3129 / English Epidemiology III. Analysis and Interpretation of Epidemiological Data 2024-05-23 -- 2024-05-31
3138 / English Epidemiology II. Design of Epidemiological Studies 2024-06-03 -- 2024-06-12
5540 / English Implementation Research in Health 2024-04-08 -- 2024-05-07
5742 / English Weight of Evidence and Systematic Review Methodology in Health Risk Assessment of Chemicals 2024-02-12 -- 2024-02-16