Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Antigen presentation och T-cellsaktivering
English title Antigen Presentation and T cell Activation
Course number 5739
Credits 1.5
Responsible KI department Department for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Specific entry requirements Basic immunology course, or otherwise have attained the same level of previous knowledge.
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Committee for Doctoral Education
Established 2023-09-20
Purpose of the course This course will provide an overview of antigen presentation and T cell activation.
This course is suitable for PhD students with basic immunology knowledge who want to deepen their knowledge in important aspects of various lymphocyte subsets biology.
Intended learning outcomes - Describe and compare different types of antigen capture and processing, antigen presentation pathways, e.g. MHC class I & II, MR1 and CD1 system, peptide/lipid/glycolipid presentation, as well as the main T cell subsets and invariant lymphocytes.

- Identify gaps of knowledge about T lymphocyte activation, differentiation, and antigen-presentation.

- Formulate a research question (including experimental plan) related to lymphocyte activation in steady state, disease, or cell therapy.
Contents of the course The following will be covered during the course:
Thorough walk-through of the antigen presentation pathways, both MHC class I and II, upstream and downstream of TCR activation.
The CD1 system, presentation of lipids, glycolipids, MR1 presentation and MAIT cell activation will be discussed.
Manipulation of T cell activation for instance by checkpoint inhibitors, T cell exhaustion, the impact of tumor micro-environment, and practical applications such as immunotherapy, will also be covered.
Teaching and learning activities The course will be based on lectures, as well as time for questions and discussions.
In addition, work (in small groups) will enable the students to gain deeper knowledge in a specific area of interest.
The students are also given literature (see below) in order to prepare for the lectures and discussions.
Compulsory elements All lectures and group sessions are considered mandatory.
Missed events should be compensated for with a written report on the subject in accordance with the indications of the course organizer.
Examination To pass the course, the student has to show that the learning outcomes have been reached.
The students will be assessed with a group project in an oral presentations.
The focus of the examination is gain of knowledge rather than test of knowledge
Literature and other teaching material Recommended review articles and selected articles relevant to the lectures (invited speakers will also be asked to suggest papers), will be distributed during or prior to the course.
- T cell antigen receptor recognition of antigen-presenting molecules. Annu Rev Immunol. 2015;33:169-200. Rossjohn et al.
- The burgeoning family of unconventional T cells. Nat Immunol. 2015; 16(11):1114-23.Godfrey DI et al.
- Early T cell activation: integrating biochemical, structural, and biophysical cues. Annu Rev Immunol. 2015;33:539-61.Malissen B.
-Obstacles Posed by the Tumor Microenvironment to T cell Activity: A Case for Synergistic Therapies.
Cancer Cell. 2017;31(3):311-325. Anderson KG et al.
Course responsible Isabelle Magalhaes
Department for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology


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