Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser

  • Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser


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Svensk benämning Epigenetik i klinisk medicin
Engelsk benämning Epigenetics in Clinical Medicine
Kursnummer 2478
Antal högskolepoäng 1.5
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap
Särskild behörighet
Betygsskala Godkänd/Icke godkänd
Fastställd av The Board of Doctoral Education
Datum för fastställande 2010-09-28
Kursens syfte
Kursens lärandemål After the course the student should be able to discuss how genetic predisposition to epigenetic changes makes the basis for individual vulnerability to disease, describe basic and advanced epigenetic principles and theory of current methods and be oriented on basic bioinformatic tools to help in integrating genetic and epigenetic data.
Kursens innehåll The course will give the student a basis to understand factors that regulate phenotypes in disease from an epigenetic perspective. Phenotypic plasticity will be explained as a molecular dynamics on gene/environment interaction using epigenetic tools.
The course will start with one day introductory lectures on basic theoretical epigenetic principles. This will be followed by three full days of lectures by the leading scientists in the field ""Epigenetics in Clinical Medicine"". Interactive exercises will be organized during these days. The last day will be focused on epigenetic methodologies and bioinformatics.
Arbetsformer Predominantly cathedral lectures by international top scientists, followed by interactive discussions with these. Each of the three lecture days, will be ended by a one hour discussion in group, where the students will lead the discussion of the subjects presented during the day, in presence of the course organizers.
Obligatoriska moment All parts are mandatory. Absence from a lecture or discussion may be compensated by a written assignment, on agreement with the course leader.
Examination Both written and oral form. Written test covering the 5 days' content will be complemented by assessment of the group discussions. Focus will be on understanding of epigenetic mechanisms in disease.
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel One full special issue on ""Epigenetic control of Gene Expression"", Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Vol. 1790, Issue 9, Sept. 2009, pp. 845 - 947.
Kursansvarig Tomas Ekstrom
Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap
08 517746 34
073 982 3611

Karolinska sjukhuset, L8:01

Kontaktpersoner Ingemar Ernberg
Institutionen för mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi


Box 280, Karolinska Institutet

Tomas Ekstrom
Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap
08 517746 34
073 982 3611

Karolinska sjukhuset, L8:01
