Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Vaskulär mikrokirurgi på råtta
English title Vascular Microsurgery in Rat
Course number 5256
Credits 2.0
Notes A Laboratory Animal Science course.

Responsible KI department Komparativ medicin
Specific entry requirements Laboratory animal science course on how to carry out scientific procedures on the appropriate animal species i.e. EU Function A or equivalent training/skills.
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Committee for Doctoral Education
Established 2020-09-14
Purpose of the course Training in microsurgery is both essential, and a legal requirement, for all those who need to undertake microsurgical procedures on laboratory animals. Microsurgery is a surgical technique that uses optical magnification as well as specific instruments. Its apprenticeship requires overcoming a steep learning curve. To achieve a high level of skill acquisition before beginning preclinical research projects, students will be trained on a comprehensive set of exercises with progressive complexity as competency improves under the supervision of expert instructors. The learning of the microsurgical techniques taught in the course will improve the results of in vivo studies by reducing the variability of the data, and by improving animal recovery and welfare.
Intended learning outcomes At the end of the course, participants should be able to acquire knowledge and skills on advanced and special microsurgical procedures in rats. In brief, after the course the trainees should be able to: 1) Set and use an operating microscope, work with microsurgical instruments and 9-0 to 10-0 sutures; 2) Perform safe microsurgical dissections; 3) Perform patent end-to-end arterial and vein anastomosis using different suturing patterns; 4) Perform interpositional vein grafts; 5) Perform end-to-side anastomosis; 5) Perform microvascular free tissue transfers.
Contents of the course Key topics of this course include surgical and microsurgical procedures on rats, with focus on surgical microscopy, vascular microsurgery and advanced surgical skills to be applied in rodent models. In particular, microsurgical dissection, vascular microsurgical techniques, refined and anatomy-guided surgical approaches, analgesia and perioperative care, aseptic surgical techniques, suturing and tissue handling with special focus on small diameter arteries and veins will be covered. Rat will be our main animal model, as it is an established model for microsurgery training courses. The rat models offer many advantages, especially because it allows students to greatly enhance their surgical skills and provide the highest fidelity simulator for clinical and preclinical microsurgery.
Teaching and learning activities Although theoretical concepts will be introduced, the main part of the course is practical (80%). The course will be based on pre-reading material, lectures/webinars, Q&A sessions, discussion and interactions, practical training on simulators and rat models, and both formative and summative assessments.
Compulsory elements All sessions and active student participation are compulsory if the student is to be provided with certification of the successful completion of the course. Missed parts of the course as a consequence of a well-justified absence will need to be compensated after agreement with the course director e.g. with written assignment or in future course editions.
Examination Practical skills will be formatively assessed during the laboratory session using DOPS (direct observation of practical skills), and a short answer/multiple choice question final examination will be held following conclusion of the course (summative assessment). A pass/fail criteria will be used as a global rate for this course.
Literature and other teaching material Recommended literature:
1. Shurey S, Akelina Y, Legagneux J, et al. The rat model in microsurgery education: classical exercises and new horizons. Arch Plast Surg. 2014;41(3):201-208. doi:10.5999/aps.2014.41.3.201
2. Usón J, Calles MC. Design of a new suture practice card for microsurgical training. Microsurgery. 2002;22(8):324-328. doi:10.1002/micr.10060
3. Olabe J, Olabe J. Microsurgical training on an in vitro chicken wing infusion model. Surg Neurol. 2009;72(6):695-699. doi:10.1016/j.surneu.2008.12.008
4. Ballestín A, Casado JG, Abellán E, et al. Ischemia-reperfusion injury in a rat microvascular skin free flap model: A histological, genetic, and blood flow study. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0209624. Published 2018 Dec 27. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0209624
5. Ballestín A, Casado JG, Abellán E, et al. A Pre-clinical Rat Model for the Study of Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Reconstructive Microsurgery. J Vis Exp. 2019;(153):10.3791/60292. Published 2019 Nov 8. doi:10.3791/60292
6. Ghanem A, Kearns M, Ballestín A, et al. International microsurgery simulation society (IMSS) consensus statement on the minimum standards for a basic microsurgery course, requirements for a microsurgical anastomosis global rating scale and minimum thresholds for training [published online ahead of print, 2020 Feb 10]. Injury. 2020;S0020-1383(20)30078-4. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2020.02.004
Course responsible Rafael Frias
Komparativ medicin

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