Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Förebygga sjukdom eller främja hälsa: Begrepp och illustrationer ur vårdvetenskapliga perspektiv
English title Preventing Illness or Promoting Health: Concepts and Illustrations from Healthcare Science Perspectives
Course number 5222
Credits 1.5
Responsible KI department Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Specific entry requirements
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Committee for Doctoral Education
Established 2020-02-25
Purpose of the course Facilitating a critical dialogue about concepts of prevention and promotion along a knowledge continuum within health care sciences research.
Intended learning outcomes Based on relevant conceptual resources, upon completion of the course the learner is expected to be able to:
1) critically appraise and reflect on the rationale for conceptual foundations on which to build research addressing illness prevention in healthcare science.
2) critically appraise and reflect on the rationale for conceptual foundations on which to build research addressing health promotion in healthcare science.
3) compare as well as analyze differences and similarities in research addressing health promotion and illness prevention in healthcare sciences.
4) demonstrate reflective reasoning about ethical issues concerning design, data gathering, analysis, intervention, and implementation of projects along a prevention/promotion continuum in healthcare sciences.
Contents of the course The course builds on a coordinated series of lectures, panel discussions, and debates comprising topics of health promotion and illness prevention grounded in current research conducted across departments at Karolinska Institutet and in collaboration with partner universities. The course commences with an introduction to concepts of illness prevention/health promotion relating to healthcare sciences, followed by illustrations intended to generate discussion about research methods as well as clinical and social implications. The course will build on historically relevant topics as well as ongoing research. Illustrations can come from i.e. public health, family medicine and primary care, and health sciences such as nutrition, nursing, occupational science, physiotherapy, psychology, and social work.
Teaching and learning activities This course is designed to constitute a series of short expert lectures, panel discussions from current projects, and ethics debates, which will culminate in the foundations for an oral examination. The learning experience builds on a mix of active reading and reflection in combination with dialogue in tandem with taking part of lectures, panels, and debates. The course requires active involvement of the learner through active participation in the scheduled learning activities.
Compulsory elements All course activities are mandatory. Absence of max 20% can be compensated for by additional tasks in agreement with the course organiser. At least 80% attendance and passing the final examination is mandatory for a grade of "pass" in the course.
Examination The examination will consist of an individual oral presentation in a group format, through which all participants can learn from each other in a scholarly exchange of ideas and perspectives. Each participant has to show that all the ILOs are reached.

Results will be assessed as Pass/not pass
Literature and other teaching material Recommended course literature (in both English and Swedish):

- Asaba, E., Patomella, A-H., Guidetti, S., Kottorp, A., & Tham, K. (2018). Att främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa genom engagerande aktiviteter: Ett exempel från prevention av stroke. In U. Kroksmark (Ed.): Hälsa och Aktivitet i Vardagen - ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv. Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter.

- Glanz, K; Rimer, B (2012). Theory at a Glance. A Guide For Health Promotion Practice 2nd edition: Washington, DC : National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (Accessible as E-book:

- Moyse, K. (2009). Promoting Health in Children and Young People: The Role of the Nurse. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. (Accessible as E-book)

- Schäfer Elinder, L., & Kwak, L. (2014). Evidensbaserat folkhälsoarbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

- Socialstyrelsen. (2018). Nationella riktlinjer för prevention och behandling vid ohälsosamma levnadsvanor. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen (Accessible as PDF)

- Scriven, A. (2017). Promoting Health: a Practical Guide (7th ed.). London: Elsevier.
Course responsible Eric Asaba
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society

Contact person