Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Epidemiologi inom primärvårdsforskning: kohort och fall-kontroll
English title Epidemiology in Primary Healthcare: Cohort and Case-Control
Course number 3228
Credits 2.0
Responsible KI department Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Specific entry requirements Passed the course Basic Epidemiology and Intervention Studies, or equivalent.
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Committee for Doctoral Education
Established 2023-09-04
Purpose of the course The course aims to facilitate to deepen the knowledge in epidemiology and intervention research, with focus on cohort and case-control studies.
Intended learning outcomes The student should after the course be able to:
- explain strengths and weaknesses with epidemiological studies, with focus on cohort and case-control studies.
- analyze and critically review epidemiological studies.
- plan and conduct cohort and case-control studies.
- explain when it may be appropriate to use a nested case-control design, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of such a study design.
Contents of the course The course contains:
- central terms such as exposure, matching, censoring, person time.
- design, data collection and analysis of epidemiological studies.
- registration, reporting and publishing of epidemiological studies according to STROBE (check list for observational studies).
Teaching and learning activities The course focuses on student-activated learning as a pedagogical model. The course includes individual study tasks, group work, discussions, and lectures.
Compulsory elements All moments except lectures are mandatory. Absence will be compensated for with home assignements.
Examination Examination through active participation in seminars, oral presentations and discussions, as well as through an individual assignment.
Literature and other teaching material Recommended literature:
Ann Aschengrau and George R. Seage: Essentials of epidemiology in public health (Jones and Bartlett Learning publishers inc. 2018)
Gordis, L. (2013). Epidemiology e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Course responsible Christina Sandlund
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society

Contact person