Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Cellulär och molekylär infektionsbiologi
English title Cellular and molecular infection biology
Course number 3158
Credits 3.0
Responsible KI department Department of Neuroscience
Specific entry requirements
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Board of Doctoral Education
Established 2018-09-12
Purpose of the course This course is given to show students how to take inspiration from several different disciplines and techniques and apply it to their own infection biology research. Students will be given examples of cutting edge technologies and how they are applied across a broad range of infection biology fields and encouraged to think about how these techniques can be translated to new applications. The course will also teach participants to critically appraise oral presentations and to think on the spot to ask and answer questions.
Intended learning outcomes After the course the students will have an overview of the various aspects of microbial infections with bacteria, viruses and parasites. The students will have knowledge on the level of current understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms used by pathogenic microbes, since the course will provide ""state-of-the-art-level"" presentations in selected aspects of a host-pathogen interaction. The students will be able to give examples of interdisciplinary studies in the research field of microbe-host interactions, many lectures focus on interdisciplinary themes such as microbe-cell interactions, microbial manipulation of host inflammatory responses, pathogen transmission and novel techniques to study microbe-host interactions.
Analytical and critical thinking will be encouraged by the course design. The students will also have an improved capability for scientific discussions, since the course provides the possibility to interactive discussions with invited teachers, who will attend the student presentation. After the course the students will have a more holistic picture of infection biology, and hopefully they will be encouraged to apply such new information for the benefit of their further graduate training and even get significant input for their own research.
Contents of the course Microbial pathogenesis, the interplay between microbes and various host responses and transmission of pathogens.
Teaching and learning activities The course consists of lectures by in-house and invited speakers on various topics in the discipline of cellular and molecular infection biology. Presentations will cover basic aspects of the research topic that will provide the students with a foundation in the subject. In addition, the more advanced part of the lecture will present state-of-the-art research. Groups of students will prepare a seminar and another group will act as opponents to critically analyse the presentations. The students will subsequently participate in interactive student-driven discussions which includes the invited teacher.
Compulsory elements The compulsory parts of the course are preparation and attendance of the lectures and the student group presentations. If the students cannot attend a lecture they should write a summary based on the course literature for this lecture. There will be a written examination at the end where the students should discuss a given problem within microbial pathogenesis and microbe-host interactions.
Examination The students will be assigned a series of questions based on topics that have been discussed during the course in a written examination.
Literature and other teaching material Original research articles and review articles related to the topics presented by the teachers.
Course responsible Keira Melican
Department of Neuroscience

Contact person Benjamin Libberton
Department of Neuroscience