Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser

  • Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser


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Svensk benämning Senaste framstegen inom kardiovaskulär medicin: från grundforskning till translationell forskning med mervärde för överförbara färdigheter
Engelsk benämning Latest advances in cardiovascular medicine: from basic to translational research with added value for transferable skills
Kursnummer 3094
Antal högskolepoäng 3.0
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik
Särskild behörighet EU early stage researchers (ESRs) at International Networks for Training and/or KI doctoral students
Betygsskala Godkänd/Icke godkänd
Fastställd av The Board of Doctoral Education
Datum för fastställande 2018-06-15
Kursens syfte This specialized course is designed to build up ""state of the art knowledge"" in the field of cardiovascular and cardiorenal medicine towards development of a strong commitment to basic, clinical, and translational research to utilize most advanced technologies and expertise in the field.
Kursens lärandemål After the course the doctoral students
1. Can critically review and discuss premature vascular ageing in the diseased conditions relevant to cardiovascular and renal abnormalities, as well as treatment strategies available;
2. Can distinguish between micro-calcifications and large calcifications, and which pathogenetic mechanisms might be involved, and understand how extracellular vesicles promote calcification in vitro and in vivo;
3. Can critically review evidence about the various cell types and biomechanical components of the vessel wall, as well as the complex interactions and conversions in normal vs. diseased vasculature in order to interpret and explain the causality in development of vascular disease;
4. Can assess how to account for gender dimension in biomedical research involving cells, tissue, animals and humans;
5. Have strengthened skills for collaborative networking, scientific presentation and communication to public.
Kursens innehåll Contents of the course:
The course will cover four modules related to the latest knowledge and expertise in the fields of:
1. Chronic kidney disease and vascular calcification;
2. Immunology and inflammation in vascular calcification;
3. Vascular cell plasticity;
4. Empower your skills to influence your career.
Arbetsformer The course will commence with pre-onsite tasks including individual assignments and reading tasks to be completed before the start of the common part of the course to obtain the prerequisite knowledge in the selected fields (web-based course, recommended literature to read prior to the course).
The learning methods in this course include individual studies involving problem-based learning, web-based learning, and to a major extent seminars, workshops and journal clubs related to the intended learning outcomes.
In-house seminars and workshops with expert lecturers will facilitate and enhance the learning process as it will attract on team-learning approaches and promote a sense of collaborative community.
Group discussions with course facilitators will be integrated. The course is very work-intensive and requires self-discipline, full-time presence and attention.
Obligatoriska moment During the in-house course, full presence is absolutely required. Necessary absence will be regulated with the course leaders and extra tasks will be introduced for compensation.
The students will need to pass online training modules (as pre-onsite task) about sex and gender aspects in biomedical research, data collection with humans and in the analysis of data from human participants at www.discoversexandgender.ca and provide the certificate from CIGH.
Each student will provide a written report of their own project, which will be used during the first day at workshop devoted to transferable skills.
Examination Every participant will be individually assessed. All the learning outcomes of the course must be reached to pass the course.
1) Assessment of the web based course: pass when the correct answer to 90% of the questions has been acquired.
2) The examination format of the other modules will be based on the presentation of assigned work, either individually or in the group, more specifically it will be based on:
i) oral presentations of the small-group scientific project work introduced by course organizers, giving special attention to that all students are actively contributing;
ii) journal club preparation during the course in 3-4 teams (evaluation of methods, results, discussion, etc.) and following discussion with all participants facilitated by the course organizers.

Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel The course organizers will provide a list of required literature prior to the attendance for individual studies. Invited speakers and lectures will select a few reviews or research articles per lecture.
All required literature will be provided at https://www.intricare.eu/ for ESRs and individually provided for KI doctoral students.
Kursansvarig Karolina Kublickiene
Institutionen för klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik

Karolinska Universitetssjukhus-Huddinge campus
Kontaktpersoner Ljubica Matic
Institutionen för molekylär medicin och kirurgi


Anna Witasp
Institutionen för klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik
