Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser

  • Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser


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Svensk benämning Hjärnan och åldrande
Engelsk benämning Brain aging
Kursnummer 2997
Antal högskolepoäng 3.0
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi
Särskild behörighet
Betygsskala Godkänd/Icke godkänd
Fastställd av The Board of Doctoral Education
Datum för fastställande 2017-03-10
Kursens syfte To increase the understanding of brain aging and its cellular and molecular mechanisms, including tools and technologies applied.
Kursens lärandemål Upon completion of the course, the doctoral students can describe important concepts in the cellular and molecular mechanisms relating to brain aging, describe differences between normal and pathological brain aging, and critically evaluate important methods and technologies applied in brain aging research.
Kursens innehåll Physiological and pathological brain aging and their cellular and molecular mechanisms; from basic neuroscience to clinical diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases and Alzheimer disease. Differences between normal and pathological brain aging. Transition from normal to pathological brain aging. Risk factors for pathological brain aging. Methods and technologies used in the study of brain aging.
Arbetsformer The course is organized as a summer school, which encompasses lectures, small group discussions, student presentations, participation in a scientific symposium and a scientific conference, and site visits to research laboratories.
Obligatoriska moment Participation in the group discussions and student presentations is mandatory. Compensation is according to the instructions of the course director.
Examination The students are examined with individual and group presentations on the course themes. Each student has to be able to show that all the learning outcomes for the course are reached.
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel Recent articles in the field.
Kursansvarig Matti Nikkola
Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi

