Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser

  • Kursplansdatabas för forskarutbildningskurser


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Svensk benämning Mekanotransduktion i utveckling och cancer
Engelsk benämning Mechanotransduction in development and cancer
Kursnummer 2915
Antal högskolepoäng 1.5
Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi
Särskild behörighet
Betygsskala Godkänd/Icke godkänd
Fastställd av The Board of Doctoral Education
Datum för fastställande 2016-03-10
Kursens syfte To increase the understanding of mechanotransduction in cancer in development, and the different approaches and methods available for studying mechanotransduction.
Kursens lärandemål Upon completion of the course, the doctoral students can understand and describe basic concepts of mechanotransduction at the cellular level. The students can describe the roles of mechanotranscription in normal physiology. The students can identify and critically evaluate experimental methods appropriate to providing mechanical signals to biological systems. The students can identify and critically evaluate experimental methods appropriate to measuring mechanical properties of biological systems.
Kursens innehåll Basic concepts of mechanotransduction in normal physiology and at the cellular level. Recent advances in mechanotransduction in cancer and embryonic development. Experimental methods used to study mechanotransduction in cancer and development.
Arbetsformer The learning modes include lectures, teacher-led workshops, work in small groups, a scientific symposium and student presentations.
Obligatoriska moment The workshops and small group excercises are obligatory. Compensation is according to the instructions of the course director.
Examination The learning outcomes are examined with group excercises and presentations with peer evaluation.
Kurslitteratur och övriga läromedel Recent articles in the themes of the course.
Kursansvarig Matti Nikkola
Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi


Kontaktpersoner Linda Lindell
Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi
08-524 872 90

Solnavägen 9

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