Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Malaria, TB och HIV: från labb till klinik
English title Malaria, TB and HIV: from bench-to-bedside
Course number 2910
Credits 1.5
Responsible KI department Department of Medicine, Solna
Specific entry requirements
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Board of Doctoral Education
Established 2016-03-07
Purpose of the course Provide a deepened knowledge and understanding of malaria, TB and HIV, as well as the ongoing research to fight these major global infections.
Intended learning outcomes At the end of the course the students should be able to:
- describe the disease mechanisms of malaria, TB, HIV and relevant co-infections of these, and discuss important differences and similarities between these infections and their impact on global health.
- explain the challenges regarding clinical symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and drug-resistance, vaccine strategies and be able to discuss how these problems could be addressed.
- analyse how clinical management of malaria, TB and HIV can be integrated and linked to molecular knowledge as well as public health aspects.
- discuss and critically evaluate current issues in malaria, TB and HIV research including prevention and control in low, middle and high income countries.
Contents of the course The course will give an overview of the major global infections malaria, tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS. The pathogenic mechanisms of infection and disease will be dissected with focus on the development of new and improved tools for control. Specific theme days for each infection will provide a deepened knowledge and understanding for research questions related to clinical management including diagnosis, therapy and drug resistance and the development of vaccines. Lecturers will include invited international and clinical experts addressing real-life experiences.
Teaching and learning activities The course will consist of a mixture of lectures by invited speakers, seminars and practical sessions i.e. study questions and group assignments. The students will have access to computer rooms.
Compulsory elements It is compulsory to attend all the lectures and sessions, including the group assignment. Absence has to be compensated by an individual written assignment provided by the course leader.

Examination Study questions and group assignment will be presented (both orally and in writing) and discussed by the students and facilitators.

Literature and other teaching material Relevant reviews articles and peer-reviewed research articles within the fields of malaria, TB and HIV.
Course responsible Annelie Tjernlund
Department of Medicine, Solna

Jordgränd 44

192 74
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