Syllabus database for doctoral courses

  • Syllabus database for doctoral courses


Swedish title Säkerhetsbedömning i läkemedelsutveckling
English title Safety assessment in Drug Discovery and Development
Course number 2821
Credits 1.5
Responsible KI department The institute of Environmental Medicine
Specific entry requirements
Grading Passed /Not passed
Established by The Board of Doctoral Education
Established 2014-09-09
Purpose of the course
Intended learning outcomes After the course the student should be able to: discuss the role of safety assessment during the drug discovery and development process; evaluate how animal and human data can affect the decision to pursue or discontinue a drug project; identify important parameters when going from preclinical to clinical studies; and critically discuss how predictive methods could affect the drug discovery and development process.
Contents of the course The course identifies the different steps of the entire process of drug discovery and development, and the critical role played by safety assessment in a drug project moving through that process. The students will discuss and practice the assessments needed during the discovery and development phases, as well as the post-marketing phase. The importance of a safety assessment during target identification is highlighted, and special emphasis is put on how to include and evaluate toxicologically relevant in silico, in vitro and in vivo methods into a drug project during the discovery phase. The regulatory requirements, covering both pre-clinical and clinical studies in the development phase, are explored, with the aim to enable the students to put animal and human data into a regulatory context. Translational safety assessment, which bridges the gap between animal and human studies, is a special focus area. New relevant methods (such as adverse outcome pathways and non-animal methods), enabling a predictive approach to the process, are introduced. The occurrence and importance of pharmaceuticals in the environment is discussed.
Teaching and learning activities The course includes lectures, discussions, and group assignments.
Compulsory elements Participation in practical exercises and group assignments are compulsory. Absence can be compensated with an individual assignment.
Examination Examination is in the form of presentation and discussion of a group assignment. Every student is individually assessed. If necessary this is complemented by oral questioning (for individual examination).
Literature and other teaching material
Course responsible Annika Hanberg
The institute of Environmental Medicine

Contact person Johanna Bergman
The institute of Environmental Medicine

Nobels väg 13
